A Muslimah's Guide to Life After A Divorce

Are You A Divorced Muslimah Tired of Feeling...

  • Guilty, ashamed and hopeless?

  • Isolated and lonely?

  • Uncertain about the future?

  • Financially unstable?

  • Confused and disconnected?

  • Spiritually drained?

  • Physically exhausted and overwhelmed?

Hi, I am Janet Nambi

I’m a Certified Life and Business Coach.

I am here to support divorced Muslimah's who are looking to create a THRIVING life after divorce.

I have been many personalities before I got here. But today I choose to offer a service that is close to my heart.


If you are still reading this I want to invite you to sign up for my free guide to a successful life, and in exchange I'll be send you very valuable information that will help you towards your healing journey so you can create the life you want.

Yes it's possible! Many before you have done and so can you!

Embracing Change With Courage and Faith

Divorce can be a deeply challenging experience, especially for Muslim women, as we face unique cultural, social, and personal trials during this transition. These are the most common challenges that most muslim women encounter after a divorce.

Cultural and Social Expectations

Community Perception: After the divorce you may have experienced hurtful judgment and stigma from your community. This can lead to isolation and damage self-esteem.

Family Dynamics: You may experience a strain in familial relationships and disrupted family structures. You may struggle to support your children through divorce while facing shifting dynamics with extended family.

Personal Identity and Faith

Rediscovering Self: After a divorce, you may have lost your sense of self and struggle to rediscover your identity, purpose, and empowerment as an individual.

Spiritual Reflection: The emotional upheaval of divorce can also create spiritual turmoil and crisis of faith. You may wrestle to reconcile your religious beliefs with your realities.

Financial Empowerment

Financial Independence: Divorcees, especially women, often experience financial instability and dependence on others. They lack strategies for achieving financial security post-divorce.

Emotional Well-being

Support Networks: Isolation and loneliness are common emotional challenges, as social circles shrink after divorce. Building your networks maybe new to you now.

Professional Coaching: The trauma of divorce takes immense emotional and psychological toll. Culturally-competent coaching is vital but often inaccessible.

Your Voice, Your Story

Sharing Experiences: You may frequently feel unheard, alone in your journey, and unable to make meaning of your pain.

Together, We Grow Stronger

Platforms to share stories can provide connection and inspiration.

Divorce is not an end, but a beginning. A new chapter where you can rediscover yourself, bolstered by faith, resilience, and the support of a community that understands.

Join us in embracing this journey with hope and empowerment.

Here's How I Can Help You:

Get Your Free Guide

This free 14 page guide is packed with content and experiences that can help you 'unlock your new chapter'! Check it out and feel free to share with a friend!!

One-to-One Coaching

For your unique challenges, goals, and aspirations, I'll work closely with you to create a customized roadmap for your personal growth and success! If you would like to know more about how this can work for you please click below to schedule a free consultation.

Join Our Facebook Community

In our thriving community, you'll find the camaraderie and understanding you need. Gain invaluable insights from those who've found their way to a brighter future.

Why Am I Qualified To Help You?

Mmh let's see...

I've walked in your shoes. I know the immense heartache that accompanies the end of a marriage, the overwhelming burden of separation, and the disorienting transition to single motherhood. But within the darkest hours, I discovered an inner strength I never knew I possessed.

From Desolation to Resurgence

Once, my home echoed with laughter, two parents, and the innocent joy of childhood. Then, the storm of divorce disrupted our lives, leaving my children and me adrift in an uncertain sea. The adjustment was grueling - for them and for me. Tears flowed, sleepless nights seemed endless, and doubt cast a heavy shadow over our days.

But in those challenging moments, I found my calling. I learned that adversity has a unique way of forging resilience and insight. I became a life coach, specializing in helping women thrive after divorce.

Rediscover Your Strength

My journey from despair to determination taught me that, while the storm is fierce, it is also temporary. It's possible to heal, rebuild, and rediscover the woman you are meant to be.

As a coach, I don't offer empty promises; I provide a guiding light to show you the way. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of post-divorce life, uncover your hidden strengths, and inspire your children with your newfound vibrancy.

Your transformation begins with one simple step - sign up to receive tips, tools and techniques. Let's turn your pain into power, your doubts into determination, and your struggle into a story of triumph. Reclaim your life and rediscover your dreams - it's time to thrive after a divorce.

Thriving after a divorce is like learning to dance in a storm. Sometimes, you might stumble, but eventually, you'll find your rhythm, and before you know it, you're dancing in the rain...with no umbrella needed! 😄💃

Here's What I Am Offering You:

  1. Tailored Guidance: One-to-one coaching allows me to understand your unique challenges, goals, and aspirations. I'll work closely with you to create a customized roadmap for your personal growth and success.

  1. Building Resilience: As a specialist in overcoming mindset challenges, I'll help you address the emotional hurdles that often accompany divorce. We'll work on boosting your self-esteem, managing stress, and developing resilience.

  1. Goal Setting and Achievement: We'll set clear, achievable objectives for your post-divorce journey. Whether it's a new career path, improved relationships, or increased self-confidence, I'll provide you with the tools and strategies to reach these goals.

  1. Rebound Your Confidence: Rebuilding self-confidence is a key focus. We'll work on techniques to help you feel empowered and ready to face new challenges with resilience.

  1. Post Divorce Communication: For many, effective communication is crucial in post-divorce life, especially if there are children involved. I can coach you on improving your communication skills, helping you navigate co-parenting and relationships with confidence.

  1. Accountability and Support: Throughout our coaching sessions, I'll provide unwavering support and hold you accountable for your progress. This creates a structured environment to keep you on track.

  1. Empowerment: Ultimately, my one-to-one coaching aims to empower you to take control of your life, find joy and fulfilment, and thrive after divorce. You'll emerge from our coaching relationship with a newfound sense of purpose and the tools to make the most of this new chapter in your life.

Remember, every journey is unique, and I'm here to provide guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way.

And There's More...

Get In Touch

If You'd Like To Talk About Working Together, Send Me A Message :-)

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